Goals Toby Hillmann Goals Toby Hillmann


A trap many fall into when it comes to acquiring a second language is setting goals that are too vague and often unattainable. In my experience this often leads to a counter-reaction of, “I won’t set any goals at all; I will simply enjoy the process.” That is fine, but acquiring a second language does require active effort, so before throwing out the bathwater I would encourage us rethink of how and why we are setting goals related to SLA.

A trap many fall into when it comes to acquiring a second language is setting goals that are too vague and often unattainable. In my experience this often leads to a counter-reaction of, “I won’t set any goals at all; I will simply enjoy the process.” That is fine, but acquiring a second language does require active effort, so before throwing out the bathwater I would encourage us rethink of how and why we are setting goals related to SLA.

I am loathe to use too much corporate buzzspeak in my daily life, but I think we can take a few tools and apply them directly to SLA.

OGSMT is a framework that can be used for strategic planning. The initialism is Objective, Goals, Strategy, Measures and Tactics (at least the model I use).


My Objective is to become “proficient” in an L2. This is inclusive of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Cultural Knowledge.


To achieve this Objective I will set high level Goals in a SMART manner.

SMART goals are simply ones that are:


I will set some goals for an entire year, but you could adjust as you see fit.

  1. I will read 1.000.000 million words in 2023.

  2. I will read 20 books in my L2 in 2023.

  3. I will listen to native content in my L2 for 500 hours in 2023.

  4. I will speak my L2 with native speakers and get feedback for 50 hours in 2023.

  5. I will write at least 10.000 words in my L2 in 2023.

  6. I will celebrate all major holidays that would be normal for L1 speakers of my L2 in 2023.

See how each meets those criteria? Great, now we are going to put them on the shelf and sort of forget about them, because people are awful at thinking and acting long term.


Now instead, let's talk Strategy. My strategy is how I will actually go about this. Not the day-to-day, but things I will do to achieve the high level Objective. Strategy usually involve projects or initiatives that will take 90 days or less, but in our case most things are a collection of Tactics. So to achieve my Objective, I am going to take the things I know are effective for SLA.

Active Study, Practice, and a lot of Input.

Use Memrise or Anki to study vocab in sentences.
Have conversations with native speakers and get feedback.
Spend some time echoing/shadowing native speakers.
Post on Reddit and in Discords with native speakers trying to pass a "Turing test" if you will.
Read novels of interest to me.
Listen to podcasts about topics that interest me.
Watch shows that interest me.
Learn about the culture and norms.

Because these are all so tactical, you can make them more “strategic” by simply appending, 90 day challenge or something similar.


Okay, seems like a strategy that will get me somewhere so let us turn into things that are Measures. Each is measured weekly with target numbers are included

  1. Reading - 20.000 Words

  2. Listening - 7 Hours

  3. Writing - 1.000 Words

  4. Speaking - 1 Hour

Not all things in my strategy directly correlate to things I am measuring, and that's okay, what I want to measure are the most specific 3-5 things I'd want to know if I could only know those things. However, keep in what, what isn't tracked is unlikely to get done.


Now what are my Tactics. The things I do? These could be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly or even ad-hoc. I will set them daily

Read for a half an hour a day.
Listen to native content for an hour a day.
Active study/practice for a half an hour a day.
Have 1 conversation with a native speaker every week.

Now the trick is, if I do these things on a regular basis, I am naturally building towards my high level goals and objective and I can see how this breaks down on a day-by-day level.


This method I outlined here was actually just a roadmap for how can set daily habits that are conducive to SLA. Start from a high level, but act on what you can do today. If you build this muscle, eventually you will not need to even think about it. It’ll just become a part of your normal, everyday life.

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