Toby Hillmann Toby Hillmann

10K (Round Two)

I did it (again)!

I ran the second 10K of my Life on Saturday! It was certainly not fast so maybe “ran” is more appropriate.

6,3 miles in 1:10:54, though to be fair 5 minutes or more were standing at stop lights as the two of the trails that I like to run are not directly connected.


  • Do not run a “fast” 4,5 mile run less than 12 hours before running a 10K. Either turn the 4,5 mile run into a 10K or rest longer.

  • Continue to stretch and get rest days. I get new exciting pains every time I run more than 5 miles that make me think things like shin splints or ACL tear and I would rather those stay neurosis than realities.

  • Drink sufficient water before running, especially as things get warmer.

Unrelated, but the geese are still their with their eggs. Apparently they take a month to hatch and I do not want to bother them more.

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Toby Hillmann Toby Hillmann

Gray Duck Eggs

I am going to regret this being my first post.

I am going to regret this being my first post, but I should start somewhere right?

Two days ago, during my daily run I saw a Canada gray duck sitting next to the paved trail. This on its own is not that strange, most of the time these gray ducks hiss at you, but otherwise remain in place. What I did notice was what looked like hundreds of tiny soft feathers surrounding it.

I took note of it, but try to not bother the animals I see.

Yesterday I was walking to a restaurant with my partner and the gray duck had moved from its place and my suspicion was confirmed.

There were 4 eggs.

I have seen hundreds of gray (yellow?) ducklings, but never an egg.

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